Manley Miller
Manley MillerBranding, Strategy, Motivation
Accepting New Clients: Yes
Client Size Range: 1m to $3m

Most advertising is not written to persuade, it is written NOT to offend.

You won’t have that problem when we are done talking. You’ll leave with Bold strategies and Unique Perspectives guaranteed to grab the attention of our audience.

Who I Can Help:

  • Small but stable business owners who are willing to take the risks necessary to become spectacular businesses.
  • Business owners with an ambition to grow to the next level
  • Leaders who are comfortable with strong statements and bold declarations
  • Owners who are believe in the power of vulnerability
  • Businesses who are confident and willing to do the work it takes to keep the promises of their advertising.
  • Businesses who embrace humor and hyperbole

Who Is Not a Good Fit:

  • Businesses looking for overtly conservative advertising strategies.
  • Businesses looking for their advertising consultant to be a financial counselor, an operations manager, or a full time employee.
  • Businesses who are not willing to finance their advertising.
  • Businesses who are uncomfortable becoming the leaders in their category.
  • Business owners looking for a yes man or someone who will sugar coat the truth.

What I Do For Clients:

  • Check out what you do looking to identify unleveraged strengths and unknown weaknesses
  • Develop a comprehensive advertising strategy and the game plan to implement it
  • Coordinate a team of marketing specialists to bring our plan to fruition
  • Write bold headlines and unique perspectives to motivate new customers to give us their business
  • Tell you specifically what to do with your website, videos, and graphics and help you to find the right people to produce them.

Success Stories:

The Counseling Center had already made the decision to position themselves as a Sexual Addiction Therapy Center. They had the right counselors and the right training and the right program, but they were struggling to get new clients in the door. It was a unique challenge because you can’t have a big sign on the street telling everybody what you do. You need to be confidential.

In our initial uncovery we were able to establish 3 important factors

  1. The Cost of Customer Acquisition – How much was one new client really worth in terms of business. Using a mathematical formula we were able to calculate the monetary value of every new client that began the program. Once we knew this number we were easily able to establish how much we were willing to spend to acquire one new client
  2. Strategic Shift – We made a strategic shift away from promoting sex addiction and instead focusing on saving relationships. Most Sexual Addiction clients were married men or men in committed relationships who had been discovered or busted and were now in threat of losing their relationship. Their partner needed hope their relationship could be saved, and the addict is willing to pay the price necessary to find a new life.
  3. Meet the Client Right Where they Are – Most Sex Addicts are leveraging the anonymity of the internet in order to funnel their addiction. We took a completely digital media strategy to market to potential clients.

Since implementing this new strategy top line revenues are up, the phone is ringing, the staff has doubled in size and a second regional office has been opened.