Dave Salter
Dave SalterCopywriting, Branding, Strategic Planning
Email: DaveSalter@wizardofads.com
Accepting New Clients: Yes
Client Size Range: $500K to $25M

Unconventional – in all the best ways

If you know Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” that’s me. I pity folks who go through their day without a healthy helping of curiosity.

Who I Can Help:

If you’re offering a great product or service but you’re not sure how to tell anybody who cares, we should talk. If you believe you have a unique reason for owning your business, but you’re not certain what that is, we should talk. If you were the last kid picked on the playground when the neighborhood kids were choosing sides, we should talk.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE RELENTLESS. You summon a big greenie from the bottom of your lungs and launch it on all who say you’re not smart enough or not talented enough. You lose sleep most nights contemplating whether the next day is going to be amazing…for your team, for your customers, for your community. You wake up every day and convince yourself that you’re going to make a small advance toward ‘awesome,’ and then you force yourself to take that uncomfortable step. Passionate is so yesterday. Relentless people like you only need a storyteller who’s relentless enough to keep up with your commitment.

Search no further. Email the tenacious partner who will propel your business to unstoppable success.

Who Is Not a Good Fit:

  • If you’re a whiner “who never gets any breaks,” we won’t get along.
  • If you’re a poser who thinks your horse dung doesn’t stink, we won’t get along.
  • If you’re a lazy sack of crap and treat your team members shabbily, we won’t get along.
  • If you need to grovel to a committee for approval, we won’t get along.
  • If you lack the fortitude (read – cojones) to undergo the transformation that’s going to happen, we won’t get along.

What I Do For Clients:

Have you ever watched the local television news coverage of those crazy optimists who take the Polar Bear Plunge to ring in the New Year? We’re going to do that with your marketing. Potential customers will gasp, “Oh My!” just like when that icy lake water surrounds your private parts.

First, we’ll unearth the unique reason that you’re in business. It may not be fun. You might feel like a Catholic school second grader making his first confession. Second, we’ll determine how best to share your story. Finally, I’ll summon a dose of Robert Frank. Who’s he? Fair question. In today’s jargon, he’d be the G.O.A.T. of photographers. How does that help you? Frank was known for choosing unusual angles, only using the most important details, and trusting his audience to use its imagination to fill in what was missing. I’ve shared some examples below.

What Success Looks Like:

York College was a sleepy, overlooked four-year private college enrolling 2,700 students. Its Development staff couldn’t raise a nickel if they were standing in Times Square at rush hour with a coffee can. I developed an integrated marketing plan, led by an award-winning radio campaign, over an eight-year period that resulted in enrollment rocketing to 5,500 and raising $45 million to build a new sport and fitness center, a library renovation, and a new performing arts center. Some of those spots are below.

Example Campaigns:

Fun Fact:

My grand High School ambition was to become Oscar Madison, and I lived that life for a while. My second book landed me a small feature on the ESPN show: Outside the Lines.

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