Matthew Burns
Matthew BurnsStrategist, Copywriting, Graphic Design, Customer Experience Specialist
Accepting New Clients: Yes
Client Size Range: Big enough to know growth matters!

Leave Every Customer With a Great Experience!

My clients know that control is an illusion and mistakes happen. That is why we always leave the customer with a great and pleasurable experience. Sometimes it is a meaningful gift; sometimes it is a story and sometimes it is both. What is your story? Let's tell everyone!

Who I Can Help:

I can help any client that truly wants to grow their business and is frustrated with a business that becomes flat lined. Clients that have become flat lined know the feeling of growth and yearn for it. If this is you, you will know and I can help.

Who Is Not a Good Fit:

A client who does not know why they are in business is not a good fit. If you do not have a goal, you cannot determine how to get there.

What I Do For Clients:

I like to help my clients look at themselves like a customer does. It is hard to sell a product or service if you can’t speak to their needs and/or desires. My clients rarely understand the difference between what they do and what they sell. I connect the dots and that is when the magic happens.

Success Stories:

My first success story is about a landscaping client that had not grown much over the course of 10 years. After looking at his business through the eyes of the customer and changing the mediums and voices of his messages, he found a way to double his business in the first year after we started. He realized that he was an amazing business person, but needed help with strategy and communication. It was not easy for him to admit that he needed help. He is courageous and that is why we still work together.

It’s Time To Begin:

Give me a call or send me an email. Let’s start by talking. You are ready.

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