Electric Shivers of Pure Joy
Once, while reading a story by C.S. Lewis, an electric shiver of pure joy shot through my body. I’d never felt anything like it. I was only 12, yet it marked me forever. To this day, I measure everything against that first moment of joy.
“So what,” you might think. “Why should I care?”
Because I know firsthand: joy leaves a mark. That’s why I craft words and stories most likely to create electric shivers of pure joy in your audience. Once you give people that experience of joy – once you leave a mark – they’ll measure everyone else against you.
Who I Can Help:
These are my non-negotiables. If they resonate with you, we’ll work well together.
- I believe Truth creates and Lies destroy. I am here on earth to create.
- I believe simple Goodness wields a power that mere Power can’t begin to imagine.
- I believe silence at the right moment carries more weight than mountains of fancy words.
- I believe there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
- I believe the people in your market, no matter who you serve, are desperate to meet someone – anyone – who will be real, do good and speak the truth.
- I believe the future’s so bright, we gotta wear shades.
Who Is Not a Good Fit:
- If you have a problem with any of my non-negotiables, we won’t get along.
- If the phrase “churn and burn” doesn’t make your stomach turn, we won’t get along.
- If you’ll stop at nothing to win, we won’t get along. Some things matter more than winning.
What I Do For Clients:
I listen. I ask a lot of questions. (A lot.) I seek the answer to one singular question: What is it that makes you utterly unique and therefore completely uncopy-able?
When I get my answer, I create stories, messages, images, ideas and a strategy, all designed to enrapture and capture the hearts of the people in your target audience.
I make you the Leader in a Category of one.
Samples of My Work:
Radio Campaign
Jingles & Audio Brand Codes
Success Stories:
- I created the entire product launch campaign for a digital financial product that generated $1.5mm in sales in just 6 months.
- A small HVAC company struggling for an identity engaged me to do “all the marketing.” (The company had been formed by purchasing 6 “mom & pop shops.”) Two years later, the company has annual revenue growth exceeding 20% per year, and is the most-recognized, most-searched HVAC company name in their metropolitan area.
How to Spark Fanatical Brand Loyalty: