Here's the deal: I'm all about igniting that spark within, crafting effective strategies, and propelling you towards triumph. We're the offensive linemen of your aspirations, armed with a playbook inspired by the legends. Beyond just a coach, I'm also your ally, and we're destined for victory together.
Steve Rae
director@wizardofads.com2023-10-20T14:24:28+00:00Have a person in your corner who has scrambled to make payroll… who hired and fired and lived his business 24 hours a day for 16 years. Steve successfully owned, operated and then sold his business. Now he helps you be a better business owner. He invites you to call.
Paul Boomer
director@wizardofads.com2023-10-20T13:56:22+00:00Can you handle more efficiency from your employees? What about more leadership? What's on the other side of employee optimization for you?
Dennis Collins
director@wizardofads.com2023-10-19T21:44:04+00:00The only stupid question is the question that is never asked. My superpower is asking the tough questions. I have found that when properly answered, they provide the pathway to massive business success.
Gene Naftulyev
director@wizardofads.com2023-10-20T13:29:59+00:00Success does not guarantee wealth. Efficiency of business operations ensures profit, and it’s profit that creates wealth. I improve business operations for successful business owners to ensure they become wealthy business owners.