Ad Consultant

Kyle Caldwell


Powerful media buys come in all sizes.

When I apply our time-tested strategies that consider your goals, current revenue, and marketplace, we grow together.

What I need from you is courage.

Jeff Sexton


There are really only two kinds of companies: either you sell $5 haircuts, or you fix $5 haircuts. I’m your guy if you fix $5 haircuts, and I specialize in marketing “Ugly Duckling Businesses” in a way that increases sales AND profit margin, making low-priced competition a thing of the past.

Vi Wickam


If problems and trends are coins hidden under the sand, then I’m that guy on the beach with a metal detector. I’m the Internet OG (that’s latin for Original Gangster.) I was nerdy before nerdy was cool. I’ve been making websites since AOL had the bright idea of adding Internet.

Dave Young


You're already running a great business. We help you amplify your good name. We amplify your brand's story, image, and presence to drive more leads, revenue, and recruits. We know how well larger-than-life brands grow with the right brand strategy. If you want healthy growth too, let’s get to work.

Hoots & Thomas


You’re 1 of 1.8 million nonprofits in the US. How will you stand out from the other 1,799,999 nonprofits? Growing your nonprofit requires more than a dream wrapped up in a cause. We raised $32.4 million for nonprofit clients last year. We get donors.

Manley Miller


When your momma names you “Manley” you definitely ain’t destined for a life of subtlety. When you hire his services you will get at least one idea that will make you nervous, but it will certainly get someone’s attention.

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