Listen, we're weird, but our clients say it's a good weird. (As Roy asks, "Why is it everybody wants their children to be normal but no one wants them to be average?")
Kyle Caldwell
Jacob Williams2023-12-28T15:50:54+00:00Powerful media buys come in all sizes.
When I apply our time-tested strategies that consider your goals, current revenue, and marketplace, we grow together.
What I need from you is courage.
Jeff Sexton
Jacob Williams2024-03-25T21:59:50+00:00There are really only two kinds of companies: either you sell $5 haircuts, or you fix $5 haircuts. I’m your guy if you fix $5 haircuts, and I specialize in marketing “Ugly Duckling Businesses” in a way that increases sales AND profit margin, making low-priced competition a thing of the past.
Andrew Harrison
Jacob Williams2023-05-15T16:09:31+00:00You can't see the label when you're inside the bottle. When it comes time to buy your product or service, people will start to think of YOU first and feel the best about you.
Jacob Harrison
Jacob Williams2024-01-10T18:47:55+00:00I am the marketing strategist and ad writer for over a dozen businesses. Nearly all have grown by double digits each year. My clients grew an average of 21 percent last year (and I have some very big clients). Here’s how I do it…
Vi Wickam
Jacob Williams2025-03-06T15:18:58+00:00If problems and trends are coins hidden under the sand, then I’m that guy on the beach with a metal detector. I’m the Internet OG (that’s latin for Original Gangster.) I was nerdy before nerdy was cool. I’ve been making websites since AOL had the bright idea of adding Internet.
Chris Maddock
Jacob Williams2023-05-15T16:11:16+00:00Say what matters, where it matters, when it matters. Whatever the medium, I’ll help you deliver a clearer, more meaningful message exactly where and when it matters.
J.D. Campbell
Jacob Williams2023-05-15T16:11:29+00:00I don’t care if you sell pink urinal cakes. If you wake every morning with the sole intention of dominating the urinal cake market, and have the courage to pee against the wind, then I’m the guy for you.
Evan Chance
Jacob Williams2023-10-20T13:27:55+00:00Businesses and owners differ, so do the magic makers you'll need. Link up with the peeps who will understand you best...connecting you is where I shine. I know a guy...or gal.
Dave Young
Jacob Williams2023-10-17T16:04:37+00:00You're already running a great business. We help you amplify your good name. We amplify your brand's story, image, and presence to drive more leads, revenue, and recruits. We know how well larger-than-life brands grow with the right brand strategy. If you want healthy growth too, let’s get to work.
Rick Willis
Jacob Williams2023-11-09T22:47:49+00:00I dance like a fool.
My golf game is so bad I’m a safety hazard.
And I only cheat at cribbage.
But I can make people fall in love with your company, and that's all that matters.
Hoots & Thomas
Jacob Williams2023-05-15T16:12:29+00:00You’re 1 of 1.8 million nonprofits in the US. How will you stand out from the other 1,799,999 nonprofits? Growing your nonprofit requires more than a dream wrapped up in a cause. We raised $32.4 million for nonprofit clients last year. We get donors.
Matthew Burns
Jacob Williams2024-09-30T19:47:51+00:00Leads come when you have the attention of your customer. Getting the attention of your perfect customer means being noticed in an ocean of marketing noise. I make sure that you are the one everyone takes notice of.
Adam Deatherage
Jacob Williams2024-03-06T01:10:41+00:00Feel like there's a lot of competition in your market? There is no competition for those who are in alignment with their North star. Zero. Launch your rocket of desire with clarity and focus, then watch what happens.
Manley Miller
Jacob Williams2023-05-15T18:04:50+00:00When your momma names you “Manley” you definitely ain’t destined for a life of subtlety. When you hire his services you will get at least one idea that will make you nervous, but it will certainly get someone’s attention.