Jeff Sexton

About Jeff Sexton

Businesses either sell $5 haircuts, or fix $5 haircuts. I’m your guy if your company fixes $5 haircuts. Working together, we'll de-commodify your business, make pricing pressure a thing of the past, and grab the lion’s share of customers willing to pay a premium for your service or product.

Piña Coladas & Persuasion

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This is what separates the heroes from schmoes in branding: The ability to use entertainment & humor to drive home the message, rather than obscure it.

What’s Working Well?

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Ever heard the phrase: “Don’t know what you’ve got, ‘till it’s gone”? Reinforce the right stuff, and you’ll get more of it. It’s a natural law of the universe.

The Five Elements of Fame

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Experts on marketing effectiveness determined that Fame is the most important element for producing extraordinary ROI.

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