
David Ogilvy’s Secrets of Good Ads

2023-10-17T14:15:35+00:00By |

"When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.”

Art is Not Subjective.

2023-10-13T18:45:28+00:00By |

If you have the right artist, they make their decisions consciously and objectively for the purpose of drawing attention. And they do it using an invisible ally.

Ad Templates

2023-10-16T16:26:38+00:00By |

According to the published research, 89% of award-winning ads could be classified into 6 basic templates. And the use of these templates boosted subjects' abilities to positively affect audience perception by 55%.

Avoid Scrapbooking Your Brand Visuals.

2023-10-13T18:45:36+00:00By |

A “scrapbook company” doesn’t have the emotional connection to your brand that you do; so they give you a templated product that looks like everything else. Unremarkable.

The Most Powerful Words Are Unspoken

2023-10-16T16:43:22+00:00By |

When you say it in your ad, the audience is as likely to dismiss it as accept it. When you cause the audience to say it in their heads, it’s automatically, unquestionably accepted.

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