“Did you find everything you were looking for?”
Here’s the problem: If you’re going to ask a question, be prepared to listen to the answer.
Here’s the problem: If you’re going to ask a question, be prepared to listen to the answer.
33% of high performers plan to leave their company. But if they're formally recognized it drops to 14%.
What the Chamber of Commerce and a wedding bartender know about your customers and 25%-95% profit growth.
Optimistic salespeople sell 56% more, but how do they stay positive?
How to model understanding so your team feels better and delivers for your customers.
When does the law of reciprocity backfire? When your "gift" isn't a gift.
Because words matter. But more importantly, their order matters.
Purchasing inventory which will be entirely sold within 90-120 days? Sure. Other plans? Not so fast.
Starting your own business can be brutal. Brian shares his war stories with advice for fellow entrepreneurs.
Forget gifts or incentives. Instead, focus on rewards for loyal customers.
If you were aware this was relevant to you then it wouldn't be a bias.
It’s not big things that lose customers; they’re too obvious. Your prospects see things you don’t.
Behind every high achiever is a system for success. Jay was new to sales and the ideal subject for my experiment.
A subtle takeaway from Apollo 11: Neil wasn’t striving for stardom. He was a pilot with a flight plan.