Most business owners and marketers have a blind spot that screws up their advertising.

They don’t even know they’re making this assumption when they make it, so they’d never think to question it.

They assume that people who buy their product or service are looking to maximize their purchase.

Maximize as in willing to spend the time and energy to make the best possible purchasing decision.

The highest performance and quality for the least amount.

But it is only in rare occasions that anyone ever spends the time and energy to really maximize a purchase.

99% of what you buy isn’t maximized. It’s satisficed.

If you’ve never heard of “satisficing” before, here’s a handy chart to explain it:

In other words, you spend the vast majority of your money by choosing easily and quickly arrived-at, good-enough solutions.

And when doing that you rely on cognitive shortcuts, such as the following:

But the biggest thing to understand for satisficing is that ease and speed matter most.

If customers think of you first and feel the best about you when they need what you sell, you win the speed part of the game.

If you are easy and convenient to do business with, you win the ease part of it.

If you win both parts consistently, you’ll dominate your market and very quickly grow rich.

Why This Matters for Your Ads

If you’re making the mistake most owners and marketers make, then your ads will:

  • Attempt to convince people that you represent the best bang for their buck
  • Push a faux Unique Selling Proposition onto your audience
  • Spend a lot of time “educating the buyer” and giving people “the facts”

But if you understand that your product or service is very likely satisficed rather than maximized, your ads will

See the difference that makes?

And if you really want to win the satisficing game, you’ll ensure that your ads:

So ask yourself this:

Are your prospects satisficing or maximizing?

And are your ads aimed at winning the type of buying decision that your customers are actually making?

If you answered “no” to that last question, I’d be happy to help.