Ray Seggern

About Ray Seggern

I’ve helped home service companies across the US and Canada achieve over two billion dollars in sales over the last two decades. I even wrote a book about it. Since starting my own shop in ’06, I’ve helped eight different clients quadruple top line sales. Before that, I was an employee of Roy H Williams for two years, writing ads for his personal clients.

Robots or Eyeballs?

2024-06-18T01:43:35+00:00By |

Who to serve first. Is it humans with actual eyeballs? Or do the web-crawling spiders that fuel search algorithms win out?

Farming Versus Fishing

2024-05-21T01:26:50+00:00By |

It's attractive to fish for customers, reeling in a huge catch with flashy sales. But only farmers can create a bumper crop of future revenue.

Repurpose The Proven

2024-05-07T02:23:50+00:00By |

The proven "Mother's Day macaroni" ads were sappy and flowery, but man, did they work. Right up until they didn't.

Time Is The Great Validator

2024-05-01T01:38:56+00:00By |

A “measure everything!” mentality eventually means nothing matters beyond making the cash register ring within 30 seconds of transmission.

Beefsteak and T-Bone

2024-04-23T20:07:57+00:00By |

Brands can manufacture a nickname or shorthand that sticks through smart placement. But don't approach it like George Costanza.

Show, Don’t Tell

2024-03-25T13:38:35+00:00By |

At best, hard data gets used to justify an action that is taken because of emotional instincts. First you need storytelling and bonding.

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