From Scientist to Snapshot: How Kodak Made Photography Easy
It was the 5th most valuable business in the world for a reason. What did they do right?
It was the 5th most valuable business in the world for a reason. What did they do right?
Why did the world go nuts for these ugly little dolls, and how can we use that?
A tech-illiterate artist started Etsy when building sites was scary-hard. Why'd he succeed?
How they bootstrapped (no pun intended) to dominate minimalist running.
Got a C for the idea in school. Lies. Forges. Gets arrested. Gambles his last $5000 in Vegas. And changes the world.
Xerox had game-changing tech in the '80s but failed to capitalize. What did Apple do that they didn't?
They only earned $30 each night. But the 24/7 branding spiked daytime sales by 50%.
First they filed a patent and then they had to go look for a viable market.
Customers ask, "Can I trust your capabilities and do I trust your soul?"
Even if it sold out, they would still be in the red. So how did they make it big?
User review was an afterthought at first, but they noticed what visitors wanted.
If they’re hardworking and loyal, you know what they’re not doing? They’re not looking for work. So how do you get them?
GE couldn't sell it, but an out-of-work marketer found the right angle.
Both the aesthetic & story stood out. So they soon became the first backpack sold at Nordstrom.
We didn’t go because of an ad. We went after someone said, “Oh my God, you’ve gotta try this.”