What happens when you look at the world through someone else’s eyes?

Mark Fox calls it “looking through another lens.”
Using the idea of TRIZ, which is older than anyone alive, looking through a “lens” offers a different perspective.

Why would someone feel alone when they have people who love them?

How could you die from malnourishment even though you eat?
How could you dehydrate although you drink fluid?
How could one die from hypothermia in the middle of the summer?
How could you go bankrupt with a million dollars in the bank?

The answers are:

Eat only ice cream.
Drink only vodka and coffee.
Fall asleep in the ocean with a life jacket on.
Withdraw all your money and tell the bank you can’t afford your mortgage.

The individual who feels alone doesn’t seem to be alone. But he ‘feels’ alone. And that’s the only feeling that matters.

How do you help him not feel alone? The only way you can. You have to show him you love him.

But there’s a catch.

You can’t show your love by using your love language. You must use his. According to Gary Chapman, there are five love languages.

1. Words of affirmation
2. Gifts
3. Acts of Service
4. Quality Time
5. Physical touch

If you’re unsure of your spouse’s love language, pay attention to how they express love.
And like everything, we may use a bit of all the languages. There is a dominant language that can explode all the others away.

If you can find the love language, it can save relationships.

Try it today. Show someone you love them by understanding how they love.

It’s like a game of catch. Catch the ball and now throw it right back.

Love them the way they want to be loved.
Market to them the way you want to be marketed to.

I started with love, and now I’ve slipped into marketing. How is that possible?
Because we’re people. And we’re looking for something. As vague as that is, we might not even know until it shows up. People listen to those who show they understand.

Understand your customer, and you will never sell to them. They will buy from you over and over again. They will love you because you care about them.

And if they don’t love you, ask yourself a couple of questions.

1. Have you built trust?
2. Do you understand?
3. Do you care about them?

Customers aren’t different from your personal relationships.
They have a problem and hope someone can fix it.
They’re not looking for a friend. They have enough already.
When someone shows up who can be trusted, they feel better.

Go love your customers… They will love you with the contents of their wallets.

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