
Seabiscuits and Monstars

2023-10-16T14:25:02+00:00By |

I coach baseball for the same reasons I work as an ad guy. I dream for my kids to understand the underdog doesn’t need to have the most points to be the winner.

Relational Employees

2023-10-16T14:25:08+00:00By |

My phone buzzed with a text message that changed my life for the next two years. The assistant manager texted that he quit his job. He followed with a second bomb that everyone quits. No notice, no negotiations. Just quit.

Your Competitors Are Bastards

2023-10-16T14:26:16+00:00By |

Business is like writing. You have to find your own style and stick to it. Stop worrying about what the competition is doing. They're all bastards. Get inspired by things they don't understand.

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