Is Your Sales Team Falling Victim to the False Consensus Bias?
Your people may overestimate the extent to which others share their beliefs and behaviors, which creates blind spots.
Your people may overestimate the extent to which others share their beliefs and behaviors, which creates blind spots.
Conviction and confidence in his product drove the former encyclopedia salesman into the stratosphere with Nike.
Daniel Kahneman introduced the concept of System 1 and 2 thinking. Tiny tweaks can shift buyers to the easier system.
The adage "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" resonates with undeniable truth.
Salespeople should speak for just 30% of the time, yet they can't stop themselves.
What's more important? Establishing trust & rapport with customers, or the actual quality of your product?
Employees generally set their priorities based on reactive factors that are hidden from management.
Sales training often fails to deliver tangible results. The real life Top Gun school shows us what's missing.
When you match your customer's social style, you see a surge in sales.
When you notice a steady decline in sales, it's too late to respond. The hurricane has already hit your shores.
If the people speaking to customers are mere “Order Takers” with no empathy, you’ll damage your brand.
90% of your training investments are typically wasted, $9 out of every $10 out the door. But there's a solution.
We love to talk about ourselves! But a good sales conversation should be 70% customer, 30% salesperson.
It's assumed in today's world, according to Michael Maslansky, that there's an ulterior motive behind everybody's action.