Customers never bond with facts
When they realize your brand's story is a part of their story, they’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.
2025-02-28T19:53:38+00:00By Daniel Whittington|
When they realize your brand's story is a part of their story, they’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.
2025-02-28T19:47:17+00:00By Asia Gregg|
When something violates our expectations, the hippocampus prioritizes that information.
2025-02-18T01:56:34+00:00By Daniel Whittington|
The problem with most marketing consultants is they try to make their client’s product seem unique.
2025-02-15T14:06:59+00:00By Matt Willis|
Growing a business requires two types of strategies: Overarching Marketing Strategy and Message Strategy.
2025-02-07T16:20:48+00:00By Advertising In America|
Asking is selfish and goes nowhere. And don't ever make your problem the customer's problem, ever.
2025-01-31T16:18:05+00:00By Matt Willis|
There are 3 main levers that can help you become famous and wealthy.
2025-01-23T02:20:05+00:00By Matt Willis|
You’re lucky if you can confidently track more than 50% of conversions. So what's the alternative?
2024-12-20T02:22:40+00:00By Sticky Sales Stories|
"We've got nothing to lose." It was hard to say yes and run this strange ad, but they were that desperate.
2024-12-11T18:33:24+00:00By Sticky Sales Stories|
When you tone something like this down, it doesn't work. The owner must be ready to go all the way into the joke.
2024-12-11T01:23:55+00:00By Advertising In America|
Real matters. Only a fool looks at another company’s ad and says, "We should do that."
2024-12-04T02:11:40+00:00By Johnny Molson|
6 marketing pros on 2 continents explain the financial benefits with proven outcomes rooted in human psychology.
2024-11-13T20:42:00+00:00By Advertising In America|
90% of advertising is rubbish and most ads don't work because the writing and the distribution are wrong.
2024-11-06T02:07:57+00:00By Sticky Sales Stories|
The marketplace that was not excited and the price point was too high. They ran this ad and it blew the doors off.
2024-11-13T20:44:21+00:00By Advertising In America|
Are TV, radio, and billboards still worth the investment?
2024-10-07T18:57:14+00:00By Chuck McKay|
Specializing creates your position at the top of a small list rather than competing in a bigger (harder) list.