The Simple Formula for Getting Everyone to Use a New Strategy
Every choice, big or small, either reinforces your brand’s identity or confuses it.
Every choice, big or small, either reinforces your brand’s identity or confuses it.
If something dies the moment you stop touching it, you have a micro-management hell-hole.
There are days when you're not going to want to do work. And that's okay.
The capacity to "choose" is your most valuable resource.
What separates the three roles and skills? Is one the best? How do you identify them?
When does it go too far and become unconsciously just about, "I want you to like me?"
Your business needs a real plan to build a cohesive brand and attract your best customers.
Even a Technicolor scarecrow could follow these 5 lessons for small business owners.
You ask one guy what he’s doing, he says, “Laying bricks.” You ask the next guy, “I’m building a cathedral.”
Your lures have to be more attractive than the same-old benefits package of your competitors.
Here’s the problem: If you’re going to ask a question, be prepared to listen to the answer.
33% of high performers plan to leave their company. But if they're formally recognized it drops to 14%.
Story. Culture. Experience. When we market a company and make promises to customers it's either a mirror or it's a fairy tale.
What the Chamber of Commerce and a wedding bartender know about your customers and 25%-95% profit growth.
How to model understanding so your team feels better and delivers for your customers.