How Referral Fees Make You Look Bad And What To Do Instead
On the surface, referral fees make sense, right? Rewarding a customer for sending you business. Seems reasonable. But...
On the surface, referral fees make sense, right? Rewarding a customer for sending you business. Seems reasonable. But...
How Drybar turned this simple idea into a salon empire that grew from one single shop to a business that was recently acquired by Helen of Troy Ltd. for $225 million.
Never would you guess the family’s leaders dine with Persian princes and European presidents all while driving their simple blue Fords. Remember, your customers and your employees are watching.
A dozen years from now 50% to 60% of transactions will be occurring online. And a surprising advantage will go to stores who sell online but advertise locally.
Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger made money by using a strategy that passed the test of time. At 97 years old, Munger attributes two things to his success: patience and inversion.
For every IBM, there are 100 Blockbusters. For every General Motors, there are 100 Polaroids. You can bet the leaders in your category will one day be in trouble. You can catch and pass them.
Just like unions of the 1940s, there is a societal shift toward worker empowerment. If you’re first in your category to embrace this shift, you win. Resist, and you lose.
You’re thinking about buying something and an acquaintance says, “Don’t do it; I bought that / hired them and it was a total waste of money. I got screwed.” Generally speaking, we believe them.
Simon Sinek writes about this in “Leaders Eat Last.” Before you can get what you want, you must first give them what they want. “They” is everyone but you. Let's start with your employees.
There’s no doubt that great businesses have equally great employees. But they also have their share of Bubba’s, Jim-Bob’s, and Tina-Marie’s. We never talk about those guys. If you ever lost sleep over a dumbass thing an employee did, you probably have a Bubba on your team.
Too many Shivers leaves a stink in the hearts of the customers. They are inattentive, self-serving, what's-in-it-for-me type of people. Calypsos make things better – for you and the customer.
Marketing in 2021 cannot be like 2019. Too much has happened. Society suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. To think everything will return to normal is to believe the last 16 months never happened.
There are two types of business owners: (1) Those who just want to run a profitable, stable business that funds a quality lifestyle, and (2) Aspiring empire builders with visions or building something much, much bigger.