Profitable growth is the lifeblood of any business. Without it, businesses will eventually succumb to the inevitable forces of competition and market saturation. Achieving exponential profit growth requires identifying and focusing on those areas of your business that have the greatest impact potential.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about profit growth. That includes the 3 foundations of exponential profitable growth, so that you can start applying them to your business today.

What do you mean by Profit Growth?

Profit growth can be defined as an increase in a company’s profit producing over time. This can be measured in absolute terms, or relative to other companies or benchmarks.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to profit growth, including expanding sales, improving margins, and reducing costs. A company’s ability to grow profits will ultimately depend on its business model and competitive advantage.

Investors typically look for companies that are able to grow their profits at a faster rate than the overall market. That can provide them with superior returns over the long term.

When evaluating a company’s profit growth potential, it’s important to consider the sustainability of its competitive advantage. Think about whether it is likely to face an increase in competition in the future. The company’s financial health is also a key consideration. It will need to have the necessary resources to fund its growth plans.

There are various ways in which a company can grow its profits. One is by expanding sales. This can be done through organic means such as increasing marketing efforts or opening new stores. Alternatively, a company can also grow through acquisitions, which can be accretive to earnings if done properly.

Another way to grow profits is by improving margins. You can do this through a variety of means, such as reducing costs, negotiating better terms with suppliers, or selling higher-margin products. A company that is able to consistently improve its margins will be more successful and more profitable than one that doesn’t.

Finally, a company can also grow its profits by returning cash to shareholders through dividends or share repurchases. This can be a good way to reward shareholders, but it’s not always the most effective use of capital.

Thus, there are several ways in which a company can grow its business profits. The best way to do so depends on the individual company’s situation and goals.

What is the difference between profitability and profit growth?

Profitability is a measure of how much profit a company makes. Profit growth, on the other hand, is a measure of how quickly that profit is growing. While both are important, profit growth is often given more weight by investors. That’s because it can be a leading indicator of future profitability.

For example, a company is growing its profits at a rapid pace. That may indicate that its products are in high demand and that it is efficiently scaling its operations.

On the other hand, a company with stagnant or declining business profits may be struggling to compete in its industry. Thus, profit growth is often seen as a more important metric than profitability when determining the health of a company.

However, that does not mean profitability is not also important. A company without profitable opportunities will eventually go out of business, regardless of how fast its profits are growing.

Which is More Important for a Business? Profitability or Growth?

There are a few schools of thought in business when it comes to the importance of profitability and growth.

The first belief is that profitability should be the number one goal for any business. This camp argues that businesses should focus on making as much money as possible. They also believe that growth should be second to this priority.

The second belief is that growth is more important than profitability. This camp believes that businesses should focus on expanding their reach and customer base. Even if it means sacrificing some profits in the short term.

So, which belief is correct? Which is more important for a business: Profitability or growth?

The answer may depend on the stage of the business. For businesses that are just starting out, growth may be more important than profitability. That’s because these businesses need to expand their customer base and reach in order to survive and thrive.

Once a business establishes itself, profitability may become more important than growth. That’s because businesses that are already profitable can use that money to fuel further growth.

So, there is no easy answer to this question. It depends on the stage of the business and what the business’ priorities are.

However, both profitability and growth are important for any business. And they should be given equal consideration when you’re making decisions about the future of your business. Your business making a profit is what allows you to reinvest in growth, and your growth is what allows you to achieve profitability.

Thus, it is important to focus on both profitability and growth when making decisions about the future of your business. If you only focus on one or the other, you may find yourself at a disadvantage in the long run.

For example, imagine your business only focuses on profitability. The consequences include that your business does not have the funds available to invest in growth opportunities. Alternatively, pretend your business only focuses on growth. The consequences this time may be your business is not generating enough revenue to sustain itself in the long term.

Foundations that form Exponential Profitable Growth

There are a few ways you can form exponential profitable growth for your company. And most of the foundations that exist rely on how you treat your employees. Here is culture decoded.

There are internal motivators, external motivators, demotivators, and anti-motivators.

Internal motivators are identity, purpose, and adventure. When you give your employees a sense of identity, they feel like they are part of something larger than themselves. This could be a team, a company, or a cause.

Give them a sense of purpose, and they’ll know what they’re doing matters and is contributing to something bigger. And when you give them a sense of adventure, they feel like they’re on a journey with you and that there’s always something new to discover.

External motivators are pay, power, and praise. When you pay your employees, they feel like their work has value and that they’re being compensated for their efforts. When you offer them power, they feel like they have a say in what happens and that their opinion matters. And when you offer them praise, they feel value and appreciation.

Demotivators include insincerity, micromanagement, and uncontrollables. When you’re insincere, your employees can see right through you. And when you micromanage, you’re not giving your employees the opportunity to be creative and take ownership of their work.

Uncontrollables include things like company politics, the economy, KPIs, company goals, and the weather. These things are out of your control, and they can’t be used as excuses for poor performance.

Anti-motivators are fear, shame, and guilt. When your employees feel fear, they’re more likely to make mistakes. And when they feel shame or guilt, they’re less likely to take risks and be creative.

So, what are some of the things you can do to create a motivating environment for your employees?

Internal motivators are more important than external motivators because they’re based on our intrinsic desire to do something. They include things like a sense of accomplishment, a sense of satisfaction, and a sense of pride.

Focusing on internal motivators means you’re tapping into what makes us human and drives us to do our best work. We all have the same need for a sense of purpose, adventure, and identity. And we all have the same need for a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and pride.

The best way to motivate your employees is to focus on internal motivators. When you do, you will find that your employees are more engaged, productive, and happy.

There are also these three foundations that can create a motivating environment for your employees. And they can also help your company form exponential profitable growth. They include a happy culturehealthy culture, and wealthy culture.

A happy culture is when people are content and feel a sense of purpose within the company. A healthy culture is when people are physically and mentally healthy, as well as have a good work-life balance. Wealthy culture is when people are financially secure and have the ability to save and invest money.

These three foundations are essential for any company that wants to experience exponential profitable growth.

Happy Culture

When a company has a happy culture, first and foremost it means that employees feel a sense of gratitude. Gratitude is the hush-hush on happiness. You don’t really hear much about it.

Stop and think for a moment about what gratitude is, and how important it is to our well-being. You’ll realize that without it, happiness would be pretty difficult to come by. After all, gratitude is at the heart of almost every happy memory we have.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel. It has been linked with greater levels of satisfaction, well-being, and even physical health. People who are more grateful are also more likely to report higher satisfaction levels with their lives and relationships.

So, if you want to show your employees gratitude, fill them with the external motivator praise. Praise will show them that you’re grateful for their work. And they’ll be more likely to feel satisfied with their job.

Avoid demotivators, like showing them insincerity. Insincerity will show them that you’re not really grateful, and they’ll be less likely to be content.

Healthy Culture

Having a healthy culture means that the culture’s internal motivators inspire positive behavior. The individuals in a healthy culture are self-motivated to do things that contribute to the organization’s success. They don’t need external rewards or punishments to motivate them. They’re internally driven to do what’s best for business.

A healthy culture also means that the organization is able to have difficult conversations and manage conflict effectively. When there are disagreements, they’re addressed head-on in a way that leads to productive solutions. People feel safe expressing their opinions and know that their voices will be heard.

A healthy culture means that everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and values, too. Everyone knows what the organization is working towards and why it’s important. They understand how their individual roles fit into the bigger picture.

A healthy culture is also built on trust. Employees trust that their leaders have their best interests at heart. They feel empowered to do their jobs and make decisions without fear of repercussions.

When you have a healthy culture, employees are happy and engaged. They’re more productive, creative, and innovative. They stick around longer, which saves the company money in turnover costs, too.

Wealthy Culture

A wealthy culture is all about abundance. That’s the combination of the external factors pay and power. When internal factors are absent, employers feed employees their praise through pay and power.

A wealthy culture alone is not a particularly healthy one. While external factors like pay and power are important, they are not the only things that matter. Internal factors like purpose, challenge, mastery, autonomy, and belonging are just as important – if not more so. They’re the things that make a person feel good about themselves.

It can be easy to take our employees for granted. We may get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday work. And we may forget to show them how much we appreciate them. But taking the time to express our gratitude can make a big difference in their satisfaction and motivation levels.

How Can You Build This Culture?

You can build this culture by helping people win in a trustworthy and grateful manner. First, you must establish a clear set of rules and expectations. Next, you need to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to succeed. Show your appreciation for people who go above and beyond and encourage open communication. With these four things in mind, you can create a culture of excellence in your workplace.

Establish a clear set of rules and expectations: If you want to build a culture of excellence, it is important that everyone knows what is expected of them. You need to establish clear rules and expectations so that everyone is on the same page. This will help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to succeed: For your culture of excellence to be successful, you need to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to succeed. That means providing people with the resources and support they need to be successful. It also means creating an environment where people feel like they can take risks and experiment.

Show your appreciation for people who go above and beyond: One good way to show your appreciation for people who go above and beyond is to recognize their efforts. You can do this publicly, through awards, or acknowledgment at team meetings. You can also do it privately, through one-on-one conversations, or handwritten notes.

Encourage open communication: Open communication is essential for healthy workplace culture. Encourage people to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback openly and honestly. Create an environment where people feel like they can have difficult conversations without fear of retribution.

Building a culture of excellence takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. By creating a positive and supportive environment, you can help your team reach its full potential. With everyone working towards the same goal, you can achieve amazing things.

When you create a happy, healthy, and wealthy culture, you’re creating a world-class buying experience for your customers. That’s the Wizard of Sales® way. Contact us to book a demo today.