Let’s face it, common ads are easy to ignore. Whether we’re flipping through a magazine or scrolling our feed, we’ve seen the same product placement, celebrity endorsements, and call-to-actions. In other words, we have become adept at ignoring the noise.
It’s time to start thinking outside of the box. From using creative visuals to crafting a unique message, there is a multitude of ways to make your ad unpredictable. Unfortunately, being unpredictable is not as easy as it sounds. Finding what works best for your brand takes time, effort, and a lot of trial and error.
So? How can you skip the bore of generating common ads? The story of Wizard of Ads™ very own Kyle Caldwell is a great place to start.
Neighborhood in Need
Kyle Caldwell’s Neighbor in Need is a non-profit organization that aims to help the low-income elderly population. Designed to repair the homes of elderly residents in the East Lake area of Atlanta, Georgia, Neighbor in Need has gained a vast amount of popularity.
One of the main ways they were able to gain popularity was by avoiding common and predictable ads. In other words, Neighbor in Need has found success by breaking the mold of what is typically seen in advertisements. Instead of showcasing elderly people unable to help themselves, they feature volunteers helping those in need.
This change in perspective allows viewers to feel good about themselves and encourages them to get involved with the organization. Furthermore, it builds a sense of community and creates a need for the organization that wasn’t there before.

A Predictable Ad is a Boring Ad
But hey, what’s so wrong with sticking to what works? It doesn’t work anymore. The problem with predictable, common ads is that they are boring. And when people are bored, they tune out, stop paying attention, and don’t remember your brand.
What’s more, the online world has made it easy for people to avoid ads altogether. Tools such as ad blockers are now used by about 40 percent of internet users. In other words, we are no longer in the age of print media. As technology adapts, so must your marketing strategy. That means creating ads that are unexpected, out-of-the-box and attention-grabbing.
The Problem with Traditional Wisdom
Traditional wisdom has always been a valuable commodity in the age of information overload. The problem with traditional wisdom, however, is that it’s familiar. We’ve heard it all before, and it’s expected. As a result, traditional wisdom can often be taken for granted and even ignored. In new-age advertising, shock value is often key.
The best ads are the ones that make us do a double take, that make us question what we thought we knew. So, while traditional wisdom has its place, it’s important to challenge its tradition. After all, progress always comes from those who are brave enough to think outside the box.

What Are the Most Common Ads That People Hate?
The fact of the matter is: people hate ads that are predictable. Why? Because they no longer get successful results. In fact, I have a friend who was building a condo tower in a town with a population of about 100 thousand people. To market his condos, he hired a world-famous company to manage the sale of the residential units in his building. During their planning, they presented him with a “tried-and-true marketing plan. ”
My friend, however, had a different idea. He wanted to do something that would get people talking. He wanted to do something that would make people sit up and take notice. He wanted to do a radio ad.
The traditional marketers looked at him like he was crazy. They told him that radio was a dying medium. Nobody listens to it anymore. He would be wasting money if he spent a single dime on radio advertising. But my friend is no fool. In fact, after 14 days of his radio ad running, he had over 1400 registrations for his condo. What’s more, the aired radio ad was the first of four powerful, unexpected ads.
Thus, traditional wisdom is often wrong. And in this case, my friend exceeded his goals with less money and time.

Outside of the Box Thinking
Like my friends, marketers and consumers need to start thinking outside the box to stay ahead of the curve. So what is outside of the box thinking? At its core, outside of the box thinking is a way of looking at things from a different perspective. The outside the box thinker is a creative thinker who unconventionally approaches problems and brings new ideas to the table.
This type of thinking has led to some of the most world-changing inventions, from the light bulb to the internet. And while you may think you aren’t creative enough, we all have the ability to think outside of the box. So how can you get started? Here are some tips:
1. Put things in your ads that are new, surprising, and different.
From unconventional imagery to shocking copy, anything that makes your ad stand out from others will help you get noticed. And while there is a thin line between unconventional and offensive, be creative. Pushing the envelope will make your ad more memorable, which is what you want and need to be successful.
2. Take a risk with your marketing.
Playing it safe with your marketing is a surefire way to stay stuck in neutral. If you want to move your business forward, you need to take some risks. That means trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone.
And although there is always a chance your risk can fail, the potential rewards are worth it. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? Learning from your mistakes is how you become better and reach new levels of success.
3. Quit thinking that the secret of success is to – quote – “reach the right people.”
The truth is, people talk. In other words, don’t think that the key to success is to get your message in front of the right people. Instead, focus on creating something worth talking about.
When you have something truly remarkable, people will naturally want to share it with others. This is how word-of-mouth marketing works. And it’s still one of the most powerful forms of marketing today.
4. Slap the shit out of anyone who says to you, “No one listens to the radio anymore.”
All jokes aside, radio is still one of the most powerful marketing tools available. Thus, if you have a great message, don’t be afraid to try it on different platforms. You never know where your ideal customer might be listening.
No matter how creative you are, creating unconventional ads still requires time, expertise, and practice. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, our storytellers are here to help you create advertising that sells. Book a call with Ryan Chute today to put the shock value back in your advertising.
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