Rick Nicholson

About Rick Nicholson

Rick Nicholson is a multi unit business owner and partner at Wizard of Ads. He looks at marketing from the perspective of relationships, corporate beliefs and most importantly its effect on sales. If you want to want to know how he can help you, he can reached at ricknicholson@wizardofads.com.

SUPERbowl vs SuperBORE

2023-10-16T14:18:38+00:00By |

Professional sports now revolve around storylines. Business is about stories too. They glue us to the game and keep us wanting more.

Three Smooth Stones

2023-10-16T14:18:55+00:00By |

Generosity is important to creating positive vibes for your business. And your time is more valuable than money. It’s a limited resource.

The Custodian of Hospitality

2023-10-16T14:19:37+00:00By |

Covid-19’s impact on business and the decisions needed for survival are Frostian. But don’t lose your way. Survival depends on Frostian decisions.

They wanna lock up Big Don

2023-10-16T14:19:53+00:00By |

Donny is so popular in his town folks set up a Facebook page in his honor. The old woman next door doesn’t like him. Actually, she hates him.

The Poet and the Engineer

2023-10-16T14:20:27+00:00By |

I was an engineer for most of my life. Engineers think logically and rationally but they can't stir desire like a poet. Are your ads written by the poet, or the engineer?

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