Chevy’s Holiday Message: How to Bury the Brand
Chevy deserves high marks for attempting something not bathed in beige. But being bold won’t ensure you are loved.
It was always her line that drew a crowd. Why?
If the people speaking to customers are mere “Order Takers” with no empathy, you’ll damage your brand.
With a mass media campaign the click-through rate on Google Ads improves. You're now cutting the line.
According to Jonathan Haidt, the human mind is best suited to be a story processor, not a logic processor…
It's assumed in today's world, according to Michael Maslansky, that there's an ulterior motive behind everybody's action.
Your customers are not all the same. It's your job to determine how to appeal to all of them.
We buy stuff because it feels like it already belongs to us or we really really wish it did.