Get the kid a Grammy
The batter flopped around on the ground like a salmon. Tyler, from shortstop, yells out, “Get the kid a Grammy. He’s acting the hell out of it.”
The batter flopped around on the ground like a salmon. Tyler, from shortstop, yells out, “Get the kid a Grammy. He’s acting the hell out of it.”
Accountants are mostly historians. They use past data to predict the future. Marketers are writers of the future and use words to create it.
In the pursuit of money, people do terrible things. That’s not you. But the darkness that clouds the community lingers through your life.
My first reaction was, “Who does this?” It doesn’t make sense… until you really digest what’s transpiring. This applies in business just as well as sports.
He never gave up, put crazy miles on his car, promoted and sold Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and worked well into his seventies.
This year’s team only has two returning players from last year. One of them is my son. He thinks I’m full of crap.
Nike goes from distributor to shoe manufacturer to work directly with the customer.
Being an authentic leader is as simple a concept as there is: Be who you are, warts and all, at all times to all persons.
Once we helped the fire department roll out their hoses, Kenny started acting like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump.
People say, “follow your passion, follow your passion, follow your passion.” Those people are idiots.
This is about a community movement where the stars are everyday people. Most businesses that attempt to do something like this do it badly.
The gatekeeper job does not belong to Facebook or Twitter. You are the gatekeeper. Keep fools away from your airwaves.
When I walk into my local Starbucks, I feel like Norm Peterson walking into Cheers. What do you do that makes customers feel comfortable?
How you motivate your employees affects everything downstream.