
Serving “Fields of Dreams”.

2023-10-16T14:26:35+00:00By |

Simon Sinek writes about this in “Leaders Eat Last.” Before you can get what you want, you must first give them what they want. “They” is everyone but you. Let's start with your employees.

Building a team that wins

2023-10-16T14:26:44+00:00By |

There’s no doubt that great businesses have equally great employees. But they also have their share of Bubba’s, Jim-Bob’s, and Tina-Marie’s. We never talk about those guys. If you ever lost sleep over a dumbass thing an employee did, you probably have a Bubba on your team.

Fat Cats and Happy Cachorros

2023-10-16T14:26:51+00:00By |

Too many Shivers leaves a stink in the hearts of the customers. They are inattentive, self-serving, what's-in-it-for-me type of people. Calypsos make things better – for you and the customer.

The 7 Trials of an Emerging Empire Builder

2023-10-16T16:28:11+00:00By |

There are two types of business owners: (1) Those who just want to run a profitable, stable business that funds a quality lifestyle, and (2) Aspiring empire builders with visions or building something much, much bigger.

Pixie Dust, Beliefs and Employees

2023-10-16T14:28:09+00:00By |

One of the biggest challenges in today's business world is finding and keeping employees. I'm told it's catastrophic and there's more demand than there is a supply of good people. This is not a new problem.

The Real Way To Build Your Business

2023-10-16T15:04:54+00:00By |

You need 4 things… (1) A good steady flow of new customers. (2) A good steady flow of repeat customers. (3) Referrals. (4) Positive Word of Mouth (and this includes social media)

The Best Tool For the Job

2023-10-17T18:07:10+00:00By |

That day, my dad gave me the tool I needed to successfully check the pressure of tires. On the same day, he also gave me the greatest tool for customer service. “Aaron, the best way to make better tips is to stop thinking about them.”

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