Robots or Eyeballs?

2024-06-18T01:43:35+00:00By |

Who to serve first. Is it humans with actual eyeballs? Or do the web-crawling spiders that fuel search algorithms win out?

9 Dangerous SEO Myths

2024-02-19T13:44:07+00:00By |

MYTH 5: META KEYWORDS ARE CRUCIAL. Nope. At worst, they can actually get you marked as spam by search engines.

An Epic Guide To Local SEO

2024-01-13T14:24:31+00:00By |

46 percent of all Google searches have local intent. Every business with a physical location needs to understand local SEO.

What About SEO?

2024-03-15T19:39:25+00:00By |

A business owner says "I want to show up when someone is looking for a plumber. Shouldn’t we use the “near me” expression because it’s up 500%?" But aggregators that sell leads are dominating the SEO and PPC wars.

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