7 Reasons NOT to Hire a Local Advertising Agency
The only people who care about adequate frequency are people who are actually measuring, tracking, and being paid for the effectiveness of their work.
2023-10-16T16:32:30+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The only people who care about adequate frequency are people who are actually measuring, tracking, and being paid for the effectiveness of their work.
2023-10-16T16:32:38+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
If you’re new to mass media advertising, THE question you’re likely asking yourself is: “Does this stuff really work? Does it really drive huge success, in a reliable repeatable way?"
2023-10-13T18:18:47+00:00By Johnny Molson|
“How about we make an ad that says, ‘we’ll give 10% of our profits this weekend to Save the Bunnies?’” Wait a second. Let’s pick that apart...
2023-10-16T16:32:47+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
"Like McDonald’s, Carl’s Jr. ads showed a big, nicely stacked burger on TV. Unlike McDonald’s, however, Carl’s Jr. would then deliver a charbroiled product that looked like a sloppy, drippy mess."
2023-10-13T15:26:14+00:00By Kevin Skaalure|
When you set a course to entertain, persuasion can still be a destination. The limerick can be your vehicle. It’s persuasion with the top down. The clown car body encases a Honda engine (colorful, but reliable).
2024-02-12T22:32:40+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
How exactly did appealing to the whole person fall out of fashion in advertising? Somewhere along the lines, people began to separate out Reason-Why or logic-driven ads from emotionally galvanizing ads.
2023-10-16T16:33:06+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Give people a list of random words to read, take the list away, then ask how many words each person can recall. On average they’ll recall three words. But this technique increases it to nine.
2023-10-13T15:26:30+00:00By Kevin Skaalure|
"Is this that transactional-relational thing?" “I think so. Her business should be relational." “Why?" "We’ve been taking Buffy to our groomer for 10 years. You ever bathed and brushed a Bichon? Our groomer isn’t the cheapest. But I never miss an appointment."
2023-10-16T16:33:14+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Before the launch of the campaign, Absolut sold just 20,000 cases annually in the U.S. By 2008, they were selling 11.8 million cases per year.
2023-10-16T16:33:26+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
These rules will help you create a custom-fit, true-to-life ad campaign to attract customers who naturally gravitate to your values and way of doing business.
2023-10-16T16:33:38+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The more we treasure something, the higher our emotions run in relation to it. Tell a mother how ugly her baby really is and you’ll see what I mean. And this is a very useful phenomenon for the ad writer.
2023-10-13T15:26:46+00:00By Kevin Skaalure|
"Mike, look, the post office is hiring,” Bob tipped his head at the encased poster, “but you're past the age limit." "Hey Bob. Yeah, you wouldn't get away with a recruitment ad like that these days." Mike smiled.
2023-10-16T16:33:46+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The things we are hardwired to find unignorable and “fascinating” involve the (mostly social) triggers first discussed and popularized by Sally Hogshead.
2023-10-16T16:33:55+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
America has always sorted its mail over a trashcan, and now just as ruthlessly sorts, filters, and dismisses every other incoming stimuli. Modern life demands it.
2023-10-13T18:20:44+00:00By Johnny Molson|
You need all four... (1) A Big Idea (2) Nuts and Bolts (3) Entertainment (4) Hope. The last is the easiest to overlook… but it’s the most important.