Radio & Mass Media

Piña Coladas & Persuasion

2023-10-16T16:18:58+00:00By |

This is what separates the heroes from schmoes in branding: The ability to use entertainment & humor to drive home the message, rather than obscure it.

The Five Elements of Fame

2023-10-16T16:19:16+00:00By |

Experts on marketing effectiveness determined that Fame is the most important element for producing extraordinary ROI.

Do Your Ads Obey the Law?

2023-10-16T16:19:48+00:00By |

The first law of advertising is quite simple: Thou Shalt Not Be Boring! And there are really only two ways to avoid breaking that law.

The Thing is Never the Thing

2023-10-13T18:16:52+00:00By |

I would never criticize something I have no experience with… so I went ahead and bought an automated iHeart radio ad to advertise this article.

SUPERbowl vs SuperBORE

2023-10-16T14:18:38+00:00By |

Professional sports now revolve around storylines. Business is about stories too. They glue us to the game and keep us wanting more.

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