Piña Coladas & Persuasion
This is what separates the heroes from schmoes in branding: The ability to use entertainment & humor to drive home the message, rather than obscure it.
2023-10-16T16:18:58+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
This is what separates the heroes from schmoes in branding: The ability to use entertainment & humor to drive home the message, rather than obscure it.
2023-10-16T16:19:16+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Experts on marketing effectiveness determined that Fame is the most important element for producing extraordinary ROI.
2023-10-16T19:09:03+00:00By Ryan Chute|
It’s time to stop wasting your time and effort on lackluster ads that no one remembers.
2023-10-16T16:19:31+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Doing business with — making yourself vulnerable to — a complete stranger feels bad. Nobody wants to put themselves in that situation.
2023-10-16T16:19:41+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
While Tony Scott's Top Gun was the highest-grossing film of the year, his 1985 Super Bowl spot is regarded as Apple's worst ad ever.
2023-10-16T16:19:48+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The first law of advertising is quite simple: Thou Shalt Not Be Boring! And there are really only two ways to avoid breaking that law.
2023-10-16T16:21:36+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
When almost no one is in the market for what you sell — i.e., when it’s slow season — then almost no one is searching on relevant keywords.
2023-10-16T16:22:04+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
I don’t even have to tell you what slap I’m talking about, do I?
2023-10-16T14:49:26+00:00By Evan Chance|
How do you become the industry market leader if you say the same thing as every other business?
2023-10-16T16:22:26+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
By the time you’ve been on the air for three months, your audience knows who you are.
2023-10-13T18:16:52+00:00By Johnny Molson|
I would never criticize something I have no experience with… so I went ahead and bought an automated iHeart radio ad to advertise this article.
2023-10-16T16:22:41+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
These are mini-dramas in which the efficacy of the product is semi-demonstrated, as testified by the main character.
2023-10-16T16:22:51+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
You'll need to follow either Pizza Hut or Rolling Stone. It depends on whether customers are wrong about you, or they're right.
2023-10-16T14:18:30+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
This technique is used by many who think they understand advertising. It can turn a person into a customer, but only a weak one.
2023-10-16T14:18:38+00:00By Rick Nicholson|
Professional sports now revolve around storylines. Business is about stories too. They glue us to the game and keep us wanting more.