To Sell or to Serve: Can You Do Both?
The sale is won or lost with genuine questions and listening at the opening in needs analysis. Not through telling.
The sale is won or lost with genuine questions and listening at the opening in needs analysis. Not through telling.
Jail time or love? It all depends on if you skip these steps.
The numbers never “speak for themselves" and assuming they do sets us up for failure. Here's how to look at them.
Your team knows their stuff, but it sounds like a sales pitch. Time to update their elevator speech.
Love & emotion are the fuel for families, but money & reason make the engine run in a business.
If there’s a bottleneck or flaw at any stage of the process, it hampers the entire operation.
Whether on stage or at work, the best predictor of success in a team setting is the psychological security felt by every member.
The CLA tool can fix blind spots, avoid stagnation, and boost growth, but it takes vulnerability as a leader. Ryan is a perfect case study.
It's attractive to fish for customers, reeling in a huge catch with flashy sales. But only farmers can create a bumper crop of future revenue.
Focusing on business output metrics instead of customer-centric input metrics leaves you with little insight into how to improve and grow.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Or right now. The same applies to crafting your branding & strategy.
80% of executives believe they deliver a “superior experience”. But only 8% of customers agree. How can that be?
If someone did the administrating, could you find a better use of your time to increase the company's value?
A 90-minute conversation changed everything. A mass exodus was averted and a $2.8M home services company grew to $5.2M.
After Sam stopped micromanaging, revenues grew 81% and turnover rate fell from 47% to 0.