case studies

The Viewmaster Guide to 3-D Testimonials

2023-10-16T16:38:44+00:00By |

3 common mistakes from testimonials and examples of what a 3-D Testimonial sounds like as a finished product. Here’s how most people screw it up, and how you can make sure you get it right.

Reverse Psychology and Advertising Strategy

2023-10-16T16:41:49+00:00By |

It’s called “reactance.” When someone tries to tell you what to think or do — that automatic resistance you feel is called reactance by psychologists. And for advertisers, there are plenty of work-arounds for reactance.

Do You Suffer from Feed the Beast-itus?

2023-10-16T16:42:09+00:00By |

You’re no longer a one-man-brand or only running a few trucks. You should be getting ready to hit breakthrough. And yet, the bigger your business gets, the harder it is to “feed.”

Earworms and Advertising

2023-10-16T16:42:18+00:00By |

If you’ve ever had a song or a jingle stuck in your head, that’s an earworm. And advertisers can and should use this phenomenon to their advantage. Seinfeld even built an episode around this phenomenon.

Change the Name, Change the Results

2023-10-13T18:26:16+00:00By |

If you’re selling a commodity and that commodity is called the same thing at every business, give yours a better name. I can get a “large coffee” anyplace. I can get a Grande only at Starbucks.

The Most Powerful Words Are Unspoken

2023-10-16T16:43:22+00:00By |

When you say it in your ad, the audience is as likely to dismiss it as accept it. When you cause the audience to say it in their heads, it’s automatically, unquestionably accepted.

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