Who’s In Charge?
Things can get complicated with a family business and I cannot stress this enough: RULING BY COMMITTEE DOES NOT WORK.
Things can get complicated with a family business and I cannot stress this enough: RULING BY COMMITTEE DOES NOT WORK.
I crooned: “Why didn’t I find her 30 years ago?”
We’re constantly bombarded with information and stimuli, and it’s easy to get caught up in the present moment.
A kite can fly. But only when it is bridled to something bigger than itself. It is part of a system that creates lift: A leader with a vision.
Being a master of your craft is more than just skill. It’s about understanding people.
Cognitive Empathy is like a map of the terrain. Emotional Empathy is like stepping into the forest without a map.
Inattentional blindness is a real thing. It's not just about being a better explainer; it's about being a better thinker.
Growing your company should be fun, and it should feel good. Like giving up my Saturday morning cartoons to place magazines.
There’s a relative I haven’t spoken to in five years. Family coming first sounds good, but the reality is more complex than that.
You posted core values on your wall, maybe a code of ethics and the employee handbook. Why didn’t they do as they were asked?
You see them everywhere. Customer-centric aspirations that feel nice. They seem nice. I bet they’re nice. I call shenanigans.
Aaron had no money, no prospects, and owed a bunch but he wasn’t a quitter and is now running a 44-million-dollar plumbing company.
He knew what he wanted, and he was going to get it. Surrounding yourself with people who believe in your dream makes the difference.
The NCAA championship game demonstrates how the impression your organization creates ultimately stems from leadership.