
What’s in a Name?

2023-10-13T18:40:04+00:00By |

When I walk into my local Starbucks, I feel like Norm Peterson walking into Cheers. What do you do that makes customers feel comfortable?

What’s Working Well?

2023-10-16T16:19:07+00:00By |

Ever heard the phrase: “Don’t know what you’ve got, ‘till it’s gone”? Reinforce the right stuff, and you’ll get more of it. It’s a natural law of the universe.

Do You Trust Me?

2023-10-13T18:40:22+00:00By |

You’ll earn respect if you give it. But what if you can’t trust a colleague or employee to perform in the best interests of the team?

Marketing in a crisis

2023-10-13T19:51:27+00:00By |

Everything you know about business will be challenged. The time for having fun and farting around is over. You will be a Phoenix or a pile of ashes.

It’s the economy, stupid.

2023-10-13T19:51:37+00:00By |

In 2004 my boss excused our poor sales performance on the Iraq war. Before that, it was a hurricane. And before that, it was the dot com bubble.

Adding Story-Doing to Your Story Telling

2023-10-16T16:21:29+00:00By |

Imagine somebody wants to document your (presumably) unique company culture. You invite her to one of your morning meetings. Now, does her observation confirm or contradict your ads?

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