
The Thing is Never the Thing

2023-10-13T18:16:52+00:00By |

I would never criticize something I have no experience with… so I went ahead and bought an automated iHeart radio ad to advertise this article.

Media’s Dirty Little Secret

2023-10-16T14:37:14+00:00By |

I’m constantly amazed by all of the media reps from all of the different media outlets that can help your advertising to “reach the right people.” Because they all reach the same people.

Ira Glass Part 4: Ditch Your We-We

2023-10-16T16:26:52+00:00By |

If you ask Ira Glass, he’d tell you the two biggest mistakes are: (1) Using an inauthentic, over-hyped “voice” or presentation style, and (2) Keeping the focus on yourself instead of the customer.

Ira Glass On Advertising, Part 3

2023-10-16T16:26:58+00:00By |

Ira’s third video on storytelling is by far the most popular. He's describing the positive side of the Dunning-Kruger effect. I think this video speaks to: Linear, no-threshold thinking, Minimum Effective Dose, and Cumulative Effect.

Ira Glass on Great Advertising, Part 2

2023-10-16T16:27:11+00:00By |

“The amount of time finding the decent story is more than the amount of time it takes to produce the story… I think that, like, not enough gets said about the importance of abandoning crap.”

Ira Glass on Great Advertising, Part 1

2023-10-16T16:27:16+00:00By |

The first video covers Ira’s two basic building blocks of storytelling: the Anecdote and the Moment of Reflection. And in advertising terms, these are roughly analogous to Relevance and Credibility.

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