relational buyers

Targeting Through Ad Copy

2023-10-16T17:31:49+00:00By |

Attract the kind of clients who will see your business as a blessing. Clients that prefer you to the point of willingly paying a premium for the privilege.

Parasocial Influence

2023-10-16T17:33:01+00:00By |

You have at least one late night host that you probably feel as if you “know,” even if you’ve never met them. And it’s not just you; it’s all of us — we all have this one-sided relationship with at least some celebrities.

The Greatest Business Secret in the World

2023-10-16T15:05:59+00:00By |

Your company may sell the finest products and services in the marketplace, but it’s how customers feel about your products and services that ultimately determine how successful your business will be.

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