What is the Most Direct Cause of Customer Loyalty?
Don't settle for mere Transactional Loyalty on price, ease, and quality. You need Relational Loyalty to get rich.
What's more important? Establishing trust & rapport with customers, or the actual quality of your product?
Sales training often fails to deliver tangible results. The real life Top Gun school shows us what's missing.
When you match your customer's social style, you see a surge in sales.
When you notice a steady decline in sales, it's too late to respond. The hurricane has already hit your shores.
We love to talk about ourselves! But a good sales conversation should be 70% customer, 30% salesperson.
It's assumed in today's world, according to Michael Maslansky, that there's an ulterior motive behind everybody's action.
Surviving (vs. Thriving) buyers are naturally more “transactional.” Their goal is to find the lowest price overall.
Every adult was afraid I'd panic and run off stage. This was a public speaking course on steroids.
A warning for the s*** you should never pull.
Use too much fertilizer and your business will smell like manure.
Growing your company should be fun, and it should feel good. Like giving up my Saturday morning cartoons to place magazines.
Marketing Heads insist “it’s a numbers game” and standardize campaigns to reach more people, neutering creativity in the process.
You don’t have to be the cheapest to win the business. You have to be the best bang for the buck.