
What’s in a Name?

2023-10-13T18:40:04+00:00By |

When I walk into my local Starbucks, I feel like Norm Peterson walking into Cheers. What do you do that makes customers feel comfortable?

What’s Working Well?

2023-10-16T16:19:07+00:00By |

Ever heard the phrase: “Don’t know what you’ve got, ‘till it’s gone”? Reinforce the right stuff, and you’ll get more of it. It’s a natural law of the universe.

Do You Trust Me?

2023-10-13T18:40:22+00:00By |

You’ll earn respect if you give it. But what if you can’t trust a colleague or employee to perform in the best interests of the team?

Adding Story-Doing to Your Story Telling

2023-10-16T16:21:29+00:00By |

Imagine somebody wants to document your (presumably) unique company culture. You invite her to one of your morning meetings. Now, does her observation confirm or contradict your ads?

No assholes allowed

2023-10-13T19:52:12+00:00By |

Remove the poison quickly and surgically. Although they’re high performers bringing in new money, they’re rotting it one asshole move at a time.

Selling like Herb Tarlic

2023-10-13T19:52:36+00:00By |

“We will match the price of our competitors on any similar product.” With one sentence, he converted us from relational buyers to transactional ones.

Don’t Worry We’ve Got This

2023-10-13T18:40:39+00:00By |

As I knelt in front of my players, I was at a loss for words. Which never happens. You can never tell if I won the lottery or if my dog ran away.

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