How Does One Educate a Customer? Part 1 of 3
“Everyone needs our product,” said Bob. “All we need to do is to tell them about it.” He thinks advertising problems in the water supply is an excellent way to attract potential customers to his business.
2023-10-16T14:36:45+00:00By Chuck McKay|
“Everyone needs our product,” said Bob. “All we need to do is to tell them about it.” He thinks advertising problems in the water supply is an excellent way to attract potential customers to his business.
2023-10-16T16:25:49+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
It permanently impressed itself on the tender psyches of millennials and they still whine about it decades later.
2023-10-16T16:25:56+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Don’t be deceived by the apparently artless, “just tell it like it is” nature of the ad. The slogan even made it into the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms and was repeatedly used by then-Prime Minister David Cameron.
2023-10-16T14:37:04+00:00By Chuck McKay|
The wrong question is “Which sells better? Long copy or short copy?" I’m a long copy proponent. That is, I’m opposed to the “nobody will read more than 300 words” school of advertising.
2023-10-16T16:26:12+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
You must create and cultivate a rich network of mental associations linked to your brand. It starts with three elements...
2023-10-17T18:06:28+00:00By Aaron & Kelsie Kleinmeyer|
Lots of folks say there is no way to go viral. But the reality is you see viral posts all the time. It does happen, and it can happen to you as well.
2023-10-16T16:26:25+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Whip up that gourmet message, not from scratch, and not by following a predetermined recipe, but by making use of whatever ingredients are already on hand.
2023-10-17T18:01:03+00:00By Stephen Semple & Dave Young|
It doesn't matter if you love him or hate him. Learn the 7 communication strategies he used to create his tribe and how you can use this to build yours.
2023-10-16T16:26:38+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
According to the published research, 89% of award-winning ads could be classified into 6 basic templates. And the use of these templates boosted subjects' abilities to positively affect audience perception by 55%.
2023-10-16T14:37:39+00:00By Chuck McKay|
They don’t consciously notice those ads because the human brain won’t let them. Let me explain the four sets of brain waves.
2023-10-16T14:51:35+00:00By Asia Gregg|
If even one of these factors is out of sync, your message will seem “off” to your audience, and thus your brand building will be greatly diminished.
2023-10-16T16:26:52+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
If you ask Ira Glass, he’d tell you the two biggest mistakes are: (1) Using an inauthentic, over-hyped “voice” or presentation style, and (2) Keeping the focus on yourself instead of the customer.
2023-10-17T18:01:24+00:00By Stephen Semple & Dave Young|
The method that HBO uses to create Emmy Award winning shows and how you can apply this to have the best advertisements on the planet. I can guarantee you Ridley Scott would agree.
2023-10-16T14:51:42+00:00By Asia Gregg|
The principles that Manley preaches are ESSENTIAL to capturing and holding attention. Be it short ads, long copy, presentations, or public speaking…
2023-10-16T16:26:58+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Ira’s third video on storytelling is by far the most popular. He's describing the positive side of the Dunning-Kruger effect. I think this video speaks to: Linear, no-threshold thinking, Minimum Effective Dose, and Cumulative Effect.