Classical Conditioning: Pavlov’s Dog in Advertising
How to get attention? Simple. Speak to the dog in the language of the dog.
Reimagine and eliminate the friction… What they did over decades to keep Wonder Bread at the top.
Jail time or love? It all depends on if you skip these steps.
We encounter 5,000 ads on a daily basis. Can you opt out? Or can you rise above the sea of sameness?
Do you actually want to be a leader in your industry? Copycats never lead the pack.
In marketing, like any other story, you need the courage to take the risks necessary to create something truly memorable.
Here’s how to tell, and where you'll find the tipping point in most markets.
Nobody wanted to dye their hair and it took 3 years for Good Housekeeping to accept their ads.
They faced Gillette's 70% monopoly and never blinked. Bought their own factory and marketed direct to consumers.
It's attractive to fish for customers, reeling in a huge catch with flashy sales. But only farmers can create a bumper crop of future revenue.