Boost Sales Conversations and Stop Guessing What Customers Are Thinking
Epley, Steffel, and Eyal studied this. We think we know what somebody is thinking, but we suck at it.
Epley, Steffel, and Eyal studied this. We think we know what somebody is thinking, but we suck at it.
Should I emphasize limited time or limited quantity? Which is more persuasive? Learn the science on that and more.
How I found the care home my brother deserved, and the magic that made it successful.
If I ask you how many charity dollars you have left, and you don’t know, you are digging a dark hole.
Empty your bank account and give it all to Google. The click still goes to the known brand 8 out of 10 times.
Whether cartoons or ads, magical things are created when geniuses are given complete creative freedom.
Jail time or love? It all depends on if you skip these steps.