Mom was right, your so-called friends are using you.
Just like the friends that go to your neighbor’s party when the freebies are gone, Transactional Customers mooch from you until there’s nothing left to give.
Just like the friends that go to your neighbor’s party when the freebies are gone, Transactional Customers mooch from you until there’s nothing left to give.
A beachhead is a defended position on a beach taken from an enemy by landing forces from which an attack can be launched. In business, beachheads are found where competitors aren't willing to go.
How a sip of espresso at a piazza in Italy transformed the coffee industry in North America. It seems obvious now. But trust me. This idea was crazy.
I’m constantly amazed by all of the media reps from all of the different media outlets that can help your advertising to “reach the right people.” Because they all reach the same people.
When a customer answered with FOAG (Fine, Ok, Alright, Good), our staff challenged them. “Really, it was just ok?”
One of the first questions a business owner will ask is, "what makes this form of marketing worth their time?"
Word-of-Mouth is now more critical to business success than at any time since the dawn of mass media. And yet you can’t make a customer talk about you.