Coke – they already had an empire, but…
No matter how big you are, no matter how much you spend, and even if you are the best marketers on the planet; you cannot bend the consumer to your will.
Advertising in the bigger community to draw customers to your smaller community is as futile as trying to make the water in a river defy gravity.
Observing how your customer is using your products can lead to new product ideas and maybe even save your company.
It lacked all the things people wanted but gave them one thing they had not thought about. And a star is born.
People avoid risk on three levels. The biggest risk is that they’ll purchase the wrong solution – that they’ll have spent the money and still have the problem.
After six months, employees were recognizing each other with little compliments. Staff retention was rising. Sales were up 43% at the end of the year.
Canada Goose is the second fastest-growing luxury brand in the world.