case studies

How Does One Educate a Customer? Part 1 of 3

2023-10-16T14:36:45+00:00By |

“Everyone needs our product,” said Bob. “All we need to do is to tell them about it.” He thinks advertising problems in the water supply is an excellent way to attract potential customers to his business.

Learning From the Legends: The Ronseal Phrase

2023-10-16T16:25:56+00:00By |

Don’t be deceived by the apparently artless, “just tell it like it is” nature of the ad. The slogan even made it into the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms and was repeatedly used by then-Prime Minister David Cameron.

Art is Not Subjective.

2023-10-13T18:45:28+00:00By |

If you have the right artist, they make their decisions consciously and objectively for the purpose of drawing attention. And they do it using an invisible ally.

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