Your Business Culture – Asset or Liability?
Neglecting your culture opens the door to liabilities that will hold you back, especially as you grow.
Neglecting your culture opens the door to liabilities that will hold you back, especially as you grow.
There is a natural order with advertising and time in the first 40 weeks. Respect it and win. Abuse it and risk wandering the desert.
Covid-19’s impact on business and the decisions needed for survival are Frostian. But don’t lose your way. Survival depends on Frostian decisions.
Donny is so popular in his town folks set up a Facebook page in his honor. The old woman next door doesn’t like him. Actually, she hates him.
Observing how your customer is using your products can lead to new product ideas and maybe even save your company.
It lacked all the things people wanted but gave them one thing they had not thought about. And a star is born.
Are you doing it for the love of the game or some other reason? Without love, your customers feel it, employees abandon you, and competitors sense weakness.
After six months, employees were recognizing each other with little compliments. Staff retention was rising. Sales were up 43% at the end of the year.
Celebrate your difference in the world. Stand out. Get talked about. You will be rewarded for your courage when you are true to yourself.
Started over a kitchen table on April Fools and sold later for $400M USD. This is the story of how to make your consulting service more valuable.