
Fish when the fish are runnin’

2023-10-16T14:23:38+00:00By |

Morris was Vice President of Marketing of a $50 million business and his favourite saying was, "We go fishin' when the fish are runnin'." But Morris was wrong.


2023-10-16T14:24:37+00:00By |

A beachhead is a defended position on a beach taken from an enemy by landing forces from which an attack can be launched. In business, beachheads are found where competitors aren't willing to go.

Seabiscuits and Monstars

2023-10-16T14:25:02+00:00By |

I coach baseball for the same reasons I work as an ad guy. I dream for my kids to understand the underdog doesn’t need to have the most points to be the winner.

Relational Employees

2023-10-16T14:25:08+00:00By |

My phone buzzed with a text message that changed my life for the next two years. The assistant manager texted that he quit his job. He followed with a second bomb that everyone quits. No notice, no negotiations. Just quit.

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