But What About the Rest of Us?
The direct response ad industry, which includes most of what you see online, is built upon hyper-targeting to those scant percentages of people shopping today.
The only advertising that gets customers immediately is through discounts. I’ve seen this picture before, and I don’t like the ending.
Big corporate entities have warped the definition of Brand. Why? To handicap their competition. Which is you. The little guy.
Price is the easiest to match. Competitors will drive you out of business using this strategy when they have more money than you.
Your client’s satisfaction is not a function of how much they like your product.
Did you know that the average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is a measly 0.05 percent?
Transactional shoppers illustrate lower average sales and closing ratios, and smaller profit margins.
For his chocolate-coffee stout, he used pounds of Wilbur Buds dark chocolate (a local delicacy). Then the brewer made a tragic mistake.
How you can leverage it to create rabidly happy (as opposed to merely satisfied) customers.
When it comes to influencers, or when it comes to chicanery in marketing, color me skeptical.
The pursuit of uniqueness is a huge source of frustration. Of wasted money. Of non-persuasive advertising.