Recruiting with radio and influencers. You’ll find hidden gems. I found myself.
I didn’t hear the ad, wasn’t looking for a job, and didn’t like that station. But maybe...
I didn’t hear the ad, wasn’t looking for a job, and didn’t like that station. But maybe...
The first step is to imagine the customer as your mother, and money is not an issue. What would be the ideal solution?
"Advertising is a tax we pay for not being remarkable.” So how do we become remarkable?
You must utilize all the tools available to you to ensure revenue is always moving up in succession.
Employee turnover costs as much as 33% of an employee’s annual salary.
Employees work best when they think they are needed, but slack off when they think the company can’t live without them.
You see them everywhere. Customer-centric aspirations that feel nice. They seem nice. I bet they’re nice. I call shenanigans.
Aaron had no money, no prospects, and owed a bunch but he wasn’t a quitter and is now running a 44-million-dollar plumbing company.
While the signs of sales underachievement are obvious and endless, the root causes are usually very specific.
If we unmask how the sales process works, it’s simple: You make the sale when your beliefs align with your buyers’ beliefs.
One of the most common mistakes that I’ve had to correct is to hire people who you like.
Ebbinghaus would tell us that most of our training is quickly forgotten, never applied and never placed “in service.”
Servant leadership has been shown to increase participation from team members, as they feel more valued and appreciated.