
But What About the Rest of Us?

2024-03-15T16:50:54+00:00By |

The direct response ad industry, which includes most of what you see online, is built upon hyper-targeting to those scant percentages of people shopping today.

Media’s Dirty Little Secret

2023-10-16T14:37:14+00:00By |

I’m constantly amazed by all of the media reps from all of the different media outlets that can help your advertising to “reach the right people.” Because they all reach the same people.

Talkin’ ‘Bout Those G-g-g-generations

2023-10-13T18:17:48+00:00By |

BBH Labs, the R&D arm of BBH Advertising in London, developed a “Group Cohesion Score;” a way to determine what groups of people have in common with each other. Their findings are surprising.

How We Decide to Purchase

2023-10-16T14:56:51+00:00By |

Amateur ad writers assume everyone makes decisions based upon the same criteria they use. This causes them to unconsciously frame their messages to reach people exactly like themselves.

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