Aaron and Kelsie Kleinmeyer

About Aaron & Kelsie Kleinmeyer

We know what it's like to be obsessed with something. To have a dream and to watch that dream grow from seed to mighty Oak. Let's talk growth. And yes, we are married.

The Best Tool For the Job

2023-10-17T18:07:10+00:00By |

That day, my dad gave me the tool I needed to successfully check the pressure of tires. On the same day, he also gave me the greatest tool for customer service. “Aaron, the best way to make better tips is to stop thinking about them.”

Logo Change? Consider This First

2023-10-17T18:07:17+00:00By |

She walked right up to the wall with all of the options and pointed right to the logos with the red and blue waterdrops on them. My 80-year-old grandma knew the Moen brand because of the red and blue drops in their logo.

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