“Can You Hear Me Now” — How Verizon Grabbed Greater Market Share As Premium-Priced Provider
Verizon couldn’t afford to lower rates or compete on price. Instead, they had better advertising.
It’s a mistake to presume that “all people want is the lowest price.” That painful myth has led many-a-business to nosedive into bankruptcy. The price tag is advertising quality.
Roy H. Williams says, "Advertising is a tax we pay for not being remarkable." Dixon melons are sliced into juicy, axiom-proving-bites. Besides their remarkable taste, Dixon melons are available only for a limited time in small quantities.
Before: Call conversion rate: 25%. Cancellations: 30%. After: Call conversion rate: 70%. Cancellations: 1%. Here’s what we did…
Without a consistent theme, you probably don't even have a campaign. And then at that point, what are you doing? You're not branding. You're not bonding.