direct response

Do Your Ads Obey the Law?

2023-10-16T16:19:48+00:00By |

The first law of advertising is quite simple: Thou Shalt Not Be Boring! And there are really only two ways to avoid breaking that law.

Instant Gratification & Marketing

2023-10-13T15:50:18+00:00By |

The chase for instant gratification in marketing often looks like “sales events.” Knowing when to use a sale and when to use other methods to get customers in the door makes all the difference.

A Note to Jewelers Worldwide

2023-10-16T14:56:57+00:00By |

I woke up with an astoundingly simple, big idea. The limiting factor in the engagement ring diamond is that it is “one-and-done.” But a woman can have a whole collection of Anniversary Diamonds.

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