Show, Don’t Tell
At best, hard data gets used to justify an action that is taken because of emotional instincts. First you need storytelling and bonding.
2024-03-25T13:38:35+00:00By Ray Seggern|
At best, hard data gets used to justify an action that is taken because of emotional instincts. First you need storytelling and bonding.
2024-03-21T17:42:49+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Advertisers are so focused on where the ads will be seen, and who will see them, that they forget what matters most.
2024-03-18T15:12:26+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
What Aristotle and lawyers both know about persuasive sequencing that you don’t.
2024-03-26T16:35:46+00:00By Johnny Molson|
Let's resolve the tug-of-war between the zealots of “WE MUST SELL STUFF NOW” and the stoics who say “we must brand for tomorrow”.
2024-03-18T15:11:53+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
The right recipe comes down to three ingredients: bonding, differentiation, and distinctiveness.
2024-03-18T14:57:20+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Entrepreneurs live in the grand illusion of advertising. Let's break down 12 aspects so you know what works and why.
2024-10-23T18:57:06+00:00By Jeff Sexton|
Ads should be crafted to succeed in a world of divided attention and the humor must tie into the persuasion.
2024-02-20T19:12:47+00:00By Ryan Chute|
10 things you shouldn't say in your ad messages. They’re lousy, and they should have never, never, never met the stamp of approval.
2024-02-19T05:38:15+00:00By Leah Bumphrey|
Which is the bigger risk: offending a few people with a joke, or going unnoticed by everybody?
2024-02-19T05:44:14+00:00By Chris Jabas|
Understand when to use a mascot, spokesperson, celebrity endorsement, and a game-changing 4th option.
2024-02-22T16:26:31+00:00By Ryan Chute|
Well crafted ads that instigate emotions are sure to put someone in a tizzy.
2024-02-19T21:35:49+00:00By Leah Bumphrey|
It's not what you say in the ads. It's all about what you leave out.
2024-03-18T15:16:34+00:00By Ryan Chute|
“Showmanship and storytelling don’t change objective reality, but they do change perceptual reality.” - Roy H Williams
2024-03-18T15:23:25+00:00By Rick Willis|
Chevy deserves high marks for attempting something not bathed in beige. But being bold won’t ensure you are loved.
2023-11-13T21:00:22+00:00By Ryan Chute|
According to Robert H. Smith, adults watch TV between 13 to 23 times longer than PC and mobile, respectively.