
The end of the journey

2023-10-13T14:54:40+00:00By |

You train your people to deliver the best service that you can provide. But have you optimized the end of the journey?

Get the kid a Grammy

2023-10-13T19:47:09+00:00By |

The batter flopped around on the ground like a salmon. Tyler, from shortstop, yells out, “Get the kid a Grammy. He’s acting the hell out of it.”

Brand it Like Bogie

2023-10-13T18:10:38+00:00By |

Four simple-as-dirt branding lessons from Casablanca on how to become irresistible to customers & impervious to competitors.

Time to do the Opposite

2023-10-13T18:39:28+00:00By |

My first reaction was, “Who does this?” It doesn’t make sense… until you really digest what’s transpiring. This applies in business just as well as sports.

The key to happiness

2023-10-13T19:45:41+00:00By |

This year’s team only has two returning players from last year. One of them is my son. He thinks I’m full of crap.

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